HSFC Testing1.JPG

WHAT it's about

Volunteer engineers conduct a design/build engineering contest for local high school students known as the “High School Friendly Competition.”

Teams of 3-4 students are given a project specification and have an hour to design and build their engineered devices.  Then they test their devices in competition with other teams.  The students are not told until the day of the competition what they will be asked to build or the supplies that will be utilized.

The primary objective of the High School Friendly Competition is for students to explore the various phases of the engineering process.  This includes determining requirements of the project, coming up with a concept to solve the project needs, researching and developing the concept, managing time and materials, construction of the project, and system testing.

All engineering projects must follow cost, schedule, and performance standards.  Scores for the competition are determined by each team’s use of materials (cost) and time (schedule), and the success or failure of the device during testing (performance).

Up to twelve teams from each school may participate.  No prior knowledge of engineering is required, nor is any preparation.


For more information or to enter your high school IN THE COMPETITION, please contact the hsfc organizing committee at hanfordengineersweek@GMAIL.COM

Below: Click on scrolling images below for photos from past competitions.